Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tracking Invest 91L Off The Southeastern U.S. Coast

Possible first named storm of the 2014 Hurricane Season

As always, I have been tracking the tropics here at home and writing about it for about the fifth consecutive year.  My most current updated article can be found here that will tell you more about what has formed over the last two days off the Southeastern United States coastline.

This area of disturbed weather has been designated by the National Hurricane Season as Invest 91L.  If it continues to gain strength, as predicted, we are looking at the first named storm of the season which would be Arthur.

Keep checking the above linked page for updates on this system and all systems throughout the 2014 Hurricane Season!

Be safe and be prepared.  You can check out some amazing information about how you can be prepared for a hurricane well in advance to assist you with less hardship should a storm move your way!  This article will show you photos of how we remain prepared.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

New Policy For Email Requests For Spiritual Work and Magical Work

Consider Donating

Over the years I have gotten 1000's of requests via email for consultations, readings, spell work, magical work, spiritual work, healing work, etc.  I have always done my best to respond to each and every request without any hesitation. Also, if you enjoy the articles here on the blog, know that I have to pay for the domain name annually.

However, my time is limited as I work full time and am getting a tad older.  Plus on some of the requests, there are supplies that are needed which do cost money.

Keeping my time and any supplies in mind, it is now the policy for those requesting such help to consider making a donation via PayPal to help cover such costs including online hosting of my blog and websites.

If you would consider such a donation, please use the button below which allows you to choose whatever amount you can afford.

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Image Credits: Dale