Sunday, September 26, 2021

Why A Person Becomes Homeless Upon Reaching Mandatory Medicare Health Coverage - True Experience

Medicare Nightmare The Government Simply Wants The Elderly To Die Off! 

People have the misconception about Medicare. Until you reach the age of "having" to go on Medicare, with no choice or say in the matter, most feel that is a goal in life where all medical costs related to care and medications go down. (Hence the misinformed wanting "Medicare for All.")
My experience 7 weeks into the mandatory Medicare nightmare: My medical costs have increased by $600 a month over what I was paying prior to August 1st. I had Marketplace insurance previously. I paid no premium and I paid a very small amount for some medications and the most expensive medications like Levemir & Novolog (insulin for Diabetes) along with Jardiance (medication for Diabetes), I paid co-pay. I was recently diagnosed with emphysema that requires an inhaler. I now pay almost $100 per month for that . PCP visits were no costs. Specialists, no cost if referred by my PCP. Again, no premium. Now, with Medicare, my Social Security is deducted a mandatory $148.50 per month premium for Medicare and as mentioned, my costs have gone up enormously.
I had to change doctors as well. I pay more co-pays than before. One month into the program, my drug costs are going up. Jardiance went from $126 to $235 from first fill to the second fill. Both insulins started at $126 and have gone up by over 20%. 
Upon entering the Medicare stage of your life, you have to pick a private insurance provider that then gets the sudden mandatory $148.50 premium that you "have" to have deducted from your Social Security. No way to get around it. You can not appeal it.
I was lied to by the person who sold me my Cigna Medicare Advantage policy. I have a document that states that when I & Medicare pay a total of $6,550 in drug costs, I go to what they call the catastrophic stage that reduces the drug costs to almost nothing. This is because I have "Extra Help (Low Income Subsidy -LIS)" based on my low income. The document was the last document sent to me by Cigna. When I call (with many times a 2 hour hold time), I am told that that document should not have been sent and I have to pay, myself, an additional $5,300 in costs before I get a reduction in drug costs. Nowhere in my copy of the policy can I find this, but Cigna is always right. I have talked to supervisors to no avail. My pharmacy has talked to Cigna, to no avail. 
With that being said, I am now shopping for a new insurance provider as the window to change providers opens on October 15, 2021, thru December 1, 2021 (Medicare Open Enrollment).
Right now, I have a grievance pending with Cigna (I expect no results as I was told someone from that department would contact me within 24 hours to 48 hours and I have never received a call.) I have also submitted a complaint to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights but that will take quite some time. 
I grew up hearing about those who are on Medicare having to halve or reduce even more, their medications, or make choice on which medications they have filled because of lacking funds to pay for all that they require for their medical conditions. I used to think that those were exaggerations. Well, lo and behold, I am in that position now, making choices. I already have canceled by Jardiance prescription with my pharmacy, due to cost,  and soon will be looking at doing without insulins.
I just received my monthly cost for medications from three other Medicare insurance providers. Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO) from $1,778.21 to $1,852.63. Aetna Medicare Prime Plan (HMO) $1,054.25 to $1,054.25. And Imperial Insurance Value (HMO C-SNP) $779.17 to $886.29.  (See screenshot for the quotes I have received on 9/26/2021).
Imperial looks to have the best drug prices and benefits. However, I would have to change my PCP once again. That is a major issue with the medical complications I have. Even then I would have to pick and chose the medications I can purchase due to the exaggerated costs by Big Pharma and the ripping off of Medicare by the insurance companies.

Considering the drug costs alone with no other costs such as rent, food, utilities, phone and pet care I have to make a choice. Have my medication and be homeless, or stay in my home and die without medications I need for three chronic conditions and one terminal condition.  That may sound extreme, but my total income per month is $1,269 after the $148.50 I lost in Social Security. Not hard to do the math. That income is both Social Security and the little amount of 1099 contract work I do.
Anyway, just wanted to fill people in that possibly are unaware of the reality of Medicare and what may be in store for people and catch them off guard. My wife who passed in 2020 was on Medicaid due to her disability, and had no costs at all for anything medical related. There is a big difference between Medicare & Medicaid for sure. Some people have both that qualify. I don't qualify unless, lets look at the scenario that I can not treat my diabetes and as a result have to have a leg or both amputated, then I would qualify for both. Reminds me of the saying, "I would given and arm and a leg for..."
Bottom line folks, the reality of the situation is that your government wants you to die off once you reach retirement as then you no longer contribute to the government and society in their eyes, and they feel you are a burden to them and society.  The government works with lobbyists and insurance companies to make sure you cannot afford your life-saving medications, and to make sure Big Pharma and the insurance companies profit in the last year or so of your life before you end up in the ER dead because you simply could not afford your medications.  That is your reward for working all your life and paying into a system.
Sad, but true.
Love and blessings to all.


Friday, July 2, 2021

Rite / Ritual of Mid summer ( Litha )

Rites and rituals are used by Pagans of all paths and honor the height of summer.  The pagan name for this celebrations is Litha.  Please enjoy using the below rite/ritual to celebrate Litha!

The longest day
The sun holds sway
The fires burn to emulate Day

Like the flowers we turn towards the light
Of power and grace
Our soul takes flight

One with the waters that flow to the sea

One with the beasts of the field and forest

One with the fields of grain and wild flowers

One with the very bones of the Earth before us

Round we go now
let the fires be lit

To the circle we go
May the air give us breath

Spin and play with fires
dancing grace

Flow into my arms
Like waters embrace

Feel the Earth's heart beating beneath your feet

South the blaze of summer's embrace
Warm with thy grace this sacred place

West the Cooling waters of ease
I swim down your lanes of crystal planes
to seek refuge in your flowing arms

North the land of midnight sun
hold high the torch of the lands life
and lighten away the shadows

East the playfulness of Airs dance
the leaves rustle at my feet
Blow clean this space of healing grace

Dance we now around the flames...
in the land of midnight in our hair...
dance till the human form falls away...
and we become one with the spirits within

Raven... messenger of the Gods...
bring us the signs we need to know
to heal the Earth and all mankind

Wolf...graceful wise one...
bring us the way of the pack that we may be strong
To do the Great work...of peace

Tiger ..whose eyes burn in the the night..
bring us the power to make things right
To bring back the balance
to what has fallen in the darkest night

Snake...the ever new..
bring us the way of self restoration
that we may ever be fresh for the task ahead

Whale..singer of the deep
Sing us a song of life that we may keep the faith
Rise up my soul to Know the leviathans peace

Spider.. spinner of fates...
show to us the cord that binds us
The web woven fine...
glorious and divine.....that unites us

Coyote...singer of nights song..
teach us to laugh even when things go wrong
Even when life is not as we hope..
to laugh to sing and bring joy ...the coyotes smile

Owl.. night flyer.. keeper of secrets...
Help us to learn your silent ways When to speak,
when to be still.. let us learn the wisdom of the will

Bee keeper of honeys secret...
remind us to savor the sweetness of life
Tireless worker of the light...
whose sweetness is ever bright...
show us the way through the night

Freedom for the all the forms of life..
four footed, flyers and swimmers in the light

Dance we now all... in Moonlights embrace..

Dance we the dance of life
we seek the wisdom of the fates
Raven feathers fly on through the night
Black on black .. yet we see the light

Dance we for crystal clarity
for the minds sake we ask it
Swimmers in the lake of understanding
We seek to flow with the current of thought

Dance we for the insight
to walk all paths with grace
Light footed Tiger in the grass
Seeking wisdom in the hidden places

Dance we to shed the old
like the snake.. to become new and whole
with each step we take we are new and given
freedom to take any road as a new being

Free flows the wine of wisdom
Sweet Flowers heady perfume
Around my head the sunlight blooms
While the bee self gathers the nectar of knowledge

A Time to love, A time to grow
time to become all that we can know

Blessed are the walkers of the sunlight's grace

Blessed are the seekers after wisdom's embrace

Hail the fire that warms the night
we thank you for thy bright light of freedom

Hail the waters flow
we thank you for thy swift embrace of healing

Hail the Earths steady heartbeat
we thank you for thy solid protection and wisdom

Hail the Winds refreshing embrace
we thank you for thy cleansing touch and inspiration

Hail to thee Great Mother
whose bloom is on my face
Hail to thee Great Father
whose cool thought fills this space

Hail to all creatures great and small..
My teachers in other skins
I thank you all

Fly we now from this place
Fired by the thoughts of grace
Swimming thur the waters of peace
Treading the path we call life On Earths embrace

Hail and Blessed be one and all

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Rite / Ritual of Healing By the Full Moons Light

Healing rituals and rites are always needed for various situations.  Here, I am sharing one for use by Pagans, including Wiccans and all Paths.

Earth Rises
Air Blows
Fire Burns
Water Flows

Earth Mighty Mother
Your Blessings we seek
Show to us the Herbs we need
When the body is weak

Air Breath of Life
Your Favor we seek
Let each breath we draw
Bring the Healing we seek

Fire Great Purifier
Your comfort we would know
Let thy Mighty flames
Burn away any ill that shows

Water Flowing sweet and pure
Your blessings we seek
Let the healing Waters flow
Over the Mighty and the Meek

Greetings Merciful Mother
In your arms do we fold
To become hail and hardy in thy embrace
To walk the Earth so bold

Greetings Blessed Father
Your consul we seek
Tell to us the tale we need to hear
That will make us strong . not weak

Your servants are we
Ready we stand
Come blessed spirits and take our hand
To heal the heart, the mind the soul of man
Rise up your heart
Let your feelings soar
Fill this place With healing,
Make it a place of earthly succor

One by One think on they that need
Life by Life let the power roar
From your heart and soul
For your bothers and sisters
Who need you so

Like the Panther in the Night
Can misfortune steal
Bring light to this place
That the wound may heal

Like a wolf we stand
To guard the pack
Bring up your light heart
And send the ill back

Ravens wings flying high
Messenger from above
Speak softly in our ears
Like the gentle coo of a peaceful dove
Of times of joy and goodness
while our lives course does run

We are born
We live
And to dust to we will return
Let the time between dawn and dusk
Be long and full of life we yearn

Not for ourselves alone we seek
But for all who live in sorrows bane
Rise up the power in your soul
Let the healing fall down like rain

Earth grows sweet herbs
To make the living worthwhile

Airs kiss each breath we breathe
To make each moment count

Fire to remind us
That tomorrow is promised to none
Sweet water flows our life's blood knows
What is to be done

Sweet loving hands
Do reach down
To soothe the troubled brow
From life to sweet reunion
The only time we have is now

Let the Power flow to all who have need
Rise up and Hear the call
To comfort and succeed
In healing all who have need

Earth Rises
Air Blows
Fire Burns
Water Flows

The dust beneath our feet
Our Mighty Mothers breast
Blessed by thy hearing
Of this rite at our behest

Blessed Be

The night wind that whispers
It's loving song of hope
Blessed be thy speaking
To this rite our ears are blessed

Blessed Be

Crackling fire that warms the night
Restoring colors to our sight
Blessed be thy comfort
At this rite we savor thy might

Blessed Be

The lowest of the low the Water flows
Seeking anyway it can go
To cleanse the wound so deep
Blessed be thy healing
On this night so we may no more weep

Blessed Be

Sunday, June 6, 2021

New Moon Rite / Ritual Of Interconnection

Shared with Pagans of all Paths for blessings and thanksgiving.

New Moon Rite Of Interconnection

Blazing Forth
The New moon shines
Today our lives entwine

Separate in body
Together in Spirit

We are One

Like a Ring
That has no beginning
and no end

So the circle is Bound
Let us Begin

Hail the Goddess
May we know thy Grace

Hail the God
May we know wisdom's Embrace

Hail the Power of Earth
Northward we bow
To the Power of Life

Hail the Power of Air
Eastward we bow
To the Power of Life

Hail the Power of Fire
Southward we bow
To the Power of Life

Hail the Power of Water
Westward we bow
To the Power of Life

Link now the hands
That the body be one

Link now the thoughts
That the mind be one

Link now the Spirit
That the Soul be one

We are One

Link we with the Earth
Beneath our feet

Feel her pain as our pain
And Keep her free from harm
Our Mother she is ..... Gaia
And due a Mothers respect

Link we with the Air
We breathe each moment of our lives

And see the haze of pollution's bane
and keep it clean and sweet
The Kiss of the's breath
is our inheritance

Link we with the Fire
The smelters open flame

And use the sliver blood
To our blessing ... not our bane
The metal bones of earth fires kiss
To make wind chimes ... not war

Link we with  the Water
Become one with the lowest with grace

And see the scum of pollution's bane
And remember to keep it clean and sweet
Crystal pools of fishes bright

We Are One

Linked , like a chain of love are we
Linked , like the roots of every tree
Linked, like the winds which caress
Linked , like the waves on the shore

Reach out your hand
And take your fellow mans

Reach out your thoughts
To blend with all living things

Reach out your Spirit
To become one Soul

I am the Rock, the Tree, the Stream, the Stars

I am all the Universe

Hold this truth
In the palm of your hand
Shining brilliance
of wondrous understanding
That We Are One

Fair thee well...the Power of Earth
Northward we bow
To the Power of Life
Blessings on the Mothers breast on which we stand

Fair thee well...the Power of Air
Eastward we bow
To the Power of Life
Blessings on the Air we breathe while life goes on

Fair thee well...the Power of Fire
Southward we bow
To the Power of Life
Blessings on the Fires Might
May we always use it right

Fair thee well...the Power of Water
Westward we bow
To the Power of Life
Blessings on the Waters wondrous Kiss
Sweet as dew fall... cool as the mist

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Mabon Ritual/Rite General

 Fall is upon us.  Enjoy this wonderful Mabon ritual/rite shared with Pagans of all Paths.

Mabon Ritual/Rite General

Soon the Mother to her rest will go
Our second harvest we gladly store
For the long winter that lies ahead

Hail Son of the Light
Divine maker of grace
We offer up our thanks for the harvest
Your bountiful sunshine makes

Hail Mother Earth in your autumn dress
Gold and russets adorn your frame
Bless us now with thy fiery grace
We thank you in the Mothers name

Hail to the Autumn winds that blow
The leaves dance around our feet
Bless us now with thy dance of life
We thank you in the Mothers name

Hail to the Sunlight's waning fire
Soon to cool in your winters sleep
Bless us now with thy gentle light
We thank you in the Mothers name

Hail to the Waters that flow sweet
Soon to become locked in ice's embrace
Bless us now with thy last flows
We thank you in the Mothers name

New born the light this day of shadows bright
We dance in the fields beneath the pale moonlight
Long and weary has been the fight
To harvest the land for the long winter night

Hail Merry maker, we ask your leave tonight
To join with us in song, that we are alive this night
Each day we live is a blessing, as tomorrow is promised to none
Help us to remember this and take some time for fun

Hail Caldron keeper, who stirs up the fates of man
She who knows tomorrow's fates
Be kind to those of the land

Stand tall and upright
Ye children of this night
Lift your hearts to the light
Open wide your arms to the harvest King
Feel the blessings that his presence brings

Time to lay down all the weal of woe
To face the morrow with power and grace
Time to heal the weary soul
We gather the power in this place
To face the long nights of winters cold

The light stands equal to light and dark this day
As all men are equal in the Mothers sight
Share we this harvest of grace and power
With all we can reach with our ken

Reach out and feel the lands embrace
And share its bounty forth
To all men peace and plenty for the nights to come
Let none be without resource
We ask it in the Mothers name

Hail Mother Earth in your autumn dress
Gold and russets adorn your frame
Blessed us you did with thy fiery grace
We thank you in the Mothers name

Hail to the Autumn winds that blow
The leaves dance around our feet
Blessed us you did with thy dance of life
We thank you in the Mothers name

Hail to the Sunlight's waning fire
Soon to cool in your winters sleep
Blessed us you did with thy gentle light
We thank you in the Mothers name

Hail to the Waters that flow sweet
Soon to become locked in ice's embrace
Blessed us you did with thy last flows
We thank you in the Mothers name

Friday, June 4, 2021

Last Rite / Ritual of Summer

A remarkable Pagan ritual/rite for the last part of the summer season.  A passing on from one season to another.

Last Rite of Summer

Soon the trees will be bare of the last of summers dress
Reminding us to shed our own excess
As the seasons turn round and round about
We look towards tomorrow
And lay our plans out

Hail Mother Earth, soon to your rest will go
In your garment of white and snow
Blessing of peace be upon us

Hail Sister Winds, whose breathe turns cold
Dance of the leaves and Fairy bright
Blessing of Peace be upon us

Hail Brother Fire, as we gather around
Basking in the warm glow of the last fires of harvest
Blessing of Peace be upon us

Hail Father Water, softly fallen snow
Creator of a haven of silence to show
Blessing of Peace be upon us

The Harvest is in, the goods stored away
We are ready for the winters stay
Now we have moments of quite ways
To spend the darker hours in peaceful days

Now is the time to create and reflect
On all the year behind us and what's to come yet
As soon the new year will be here to remind us
That we, like the crops, must grow in our trust

Hail Persephone as you return to the Underworld
The time you spend away counts the season of winter
Hail Giver of light in the dark pathways
Gracious is your care that guides our footsteps to the light
Ever and always bright Mother do you guide our ways right

Hail Great Horned one, Father of the forest shades
Protector of all the furred one
Who roam the forest glades
Give to us your shielding grace
Protect us from Winters ways

Onward we seek
To tomorrow we yearn
Now is the time lay all the plans
For the Year to come we make our play

Your blessings Sweet Mother Persephone
We ask for you to light the way
We follow in the light you bring
We are protected by the Fathers stay
Hail and blessed be

Hail Mother Earth, soon to your rest will go
In your garment of white and snow
Blessing of peace were upon us

Hail Sister Winds, whose breathe turns cold
Dance of the leaves and Fairy bright
Blessing of peace were upon us

Hail Brother Fire, as we gather around
Basking in the warm glow of the last fires of harvest
Blessing of peace were upon us

Hail Father Water, softly fallen snow
Creator of a haven of silence to show
Blessing of peace were upon us 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Lammas The Seasons Turn - Pagan Ritual / Rite

Enjoy this Pagan ritual / rite for the celebration of Lammas!

Lammas The Seasons Turn

Bright the Moonlight
On this the seasons eve
Changes in the Wind
Tonight we perceive

Hail Magic Mother Tailtiu
In the Moonlight Fair
Flowers of Summer
Still in your Hair

Hail Blessed Father Lugh
Of the seasons Grace
Teach to us now
Thy wisdom's embrace

Grace of the Earth defend us
As we circle round
We behold the dust of ages
Blessed be

Winds of change blow around us
As we circle round
We breathe the scent of Holiness
Blessed be

Warm the Fires protect us
As we circle round
We bask in the light of security
Blessed be

Mists of Rain to cool the day
As we circle round
We drink of life that surrounds us
Blessed be

Summers fires start to dim
The Air smells of rain and wind
The Earth has weathered the summers fire
The Rains to come spell our desire

Dance we in the Moonlight
On this seasons eve
To autumn winds and cooling days
We give our thanks and praise

We take a moment to count our blessings
To count the joys of living
We take a moment to bow our heads
For all the good we have been given
We take a moment to speak farewell
To those no longer with us
We take a moment greet the children
Born in the Summers fire
We take a moment to greet the day
On this the seasons change

Hail Father Lugh
Whose time this be
Great Shinning one
Come dance with me
High on the hill tops
As the sun burns bright
Come dance with my spirit
Neath the waning summers light

Master of all trades
Please Bring thy skills to me
That my works be the best they can be

Hail the Great work before us
On this the seasons eve
With thy help blessed Father
May I make you proud of me

Grace of the Earth defended us
As we circled round
We beheld the dust of ages
Blessed be

Winds of change blew around us
As we circled round
We breathed the scent of Holiness
Blessed be

Warm the Fires protected us
As we circled round
We basked in the light of security
Blessed be

Mists of Rain to cool the day
As we circled round
We drank of life that surrounded us
Blessed be

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Eclipse Rite / Ritual before Samhain

Samhain (Halloween) is a special time for all Pagans.  It is the birth of our new year.  Enjoy the below as you celebrate the Pagan New Year!

Eclipse Rite before Samhain

Bright the moon shadows
That softly steals the light
As the eclipse of Autumn
Runs round tonight

Greetings Great Mother
on this night of power
May your love shine bright tonight

Hail blessed Father
on this night of shadows
May your wisdom help us see the light

Wisdom we seek
Enlighten us we pray
before the eclipse has faded away

Like the passing of moments
day by day does tread
So too our lives, let not one moment be shed
Lost like the wisps of forgotten lament

Light high the fire
May the warmth be blessed
We seek the lights of wisdom
May fires light caress

Lift high the Chalice
Full of Autumn wine
We seek our souls tomorrow's
in the reflection of thine

Pile high the fruits of Earths bounty
May no man know hungers bite
We seek full bellies of enlightenment
May the souls food be right

Hear the leafless trees clatter
In the wind so bright
May we hear the song of understanding
In the winds winter song tonight

Light and dark the moonlight flows
Open are we to the new and the old

A time of changes
A time of light
A time to make choices
A time to shine bright

A time to reflect on the year gone past
A time to seek forgiveness for trespass
A time of deciding what is really true
A time to settle ills and all things we rue

A time to let go of illusions and lies
A time to seek out wisdom that gives us the will to fly
A time to seek our freedom
A time to seek out what lasts

A time to spend in the timeless moment
Between tomorrow and the past

Hail Great Mother on this night of nights
We seek to be filled with your light
Show to us the pathway
Show to us the Right
Let the stones of the years past pains
Be swept from our path tonight

 We Lit high the fire
By the warmth we are blessed
We sought the lights of wisdom
Blessed is the light that caressed

We Lifted high the Chalice
Full of Autumn wine
We sought and found our souls tomorrow's
in the reflection of time

We Piled high the fruits of Earths bounty
 No man knew hungers bite
We sought full bellies of enlightenment
We found the souls food to be right

 We Heard the leafless trees clatter
In the wind so bright
We heard the song of understanding
In the winds winter song tonight

Blessed be

Monday, May 31, 2021

During an Eclipse Rite / Ritual

This is an awesome rite/ritual for Pagans of all Paths to perform to celebrate and honor an eclipse.

During the Eclipse Rite

Hail to the Father
who is the sunshine and the shade

Hail to the maker of all things of the mind
to whom we give thanks that we have intellect

The Sun darkened this day..yet we fear not
For our Father is with us yet

The Moon darkened this day..yet we fear not
For our Mother is with us yet

This day of darkness that can cover the mind
We seek wisdom from the path of old

Gather round children of light
and may the candles burn bright
on this the dark day

The Chaos of times....
needs guidance to untangle the knotted cord of care....
We seek wisdom...from the path of old

Before me... Raphael
keeper of the gates of new ideas
Hail and Welcome

At My Right Hand ....Michael
Keeper of intellects flame
Hail and Welcome

Behind me.. Gabriel
Keeper of the cleaning waters of life
Hail and Welcome

At my Left hand.. Uriel
Keeper the Earth and its protector
Hail and Welcome

In the name of Adonai
May we be protected from ill approaching from the
East, South, West or North

The Pentagrams flame about us..
the six ray star shines behind us
and above our heads is the Glory of the God

Call now for the Wisdom of ages...

Wodin...All Father...who gave up half his sight
so that man might share the wisdom of the Gods
Share with us now
that we may see clearly the path we must take
Thank you My Lord

Freya..Great Mother..
who stole the wisdom of her fathers hall
that man might share the wisdom of the Gods
Share with us now that we may know
the right actions to take on the path we choose
Thank you My Lady

Aubis.. Dark headed one...who stole the secret of death
so that man might never fear it again
Share with us now
that we may live fully without fear
and Live in full measure
Thank you My Lord

Kali.. Great Mother of the shaded places...
Whose dance defeated the demons of old
Share with us now to defeat the enemy of fear within..
so that not even we
....can interfere with what should be
Thank You my Lady

Cernunnos.. Great Stag Lord...
who gathered the magic of life
So that man need ever do without
the means to sustain him
Share with us now...
that we may obtain our needs to continue our work
Thank You my Lord

Rise up your lights unto the world
So that all men may know this darkness shall pass

Rise up your brightness to shine in darkness
So that others may find this place of peace

Rise up your love to ease all pain
So that others may know a moment joy

Rise up your mind to resolve the chaos
So that others will understand the Great Work

We are the students...
ever seeking to know

We are the teachers..
ever sharing the wealth of knowledge

We are the children.
.ever at the point of the discovery of wisdom

We are the elders...
ever willing to pass on the Way of knowing

We are the Women...
who are the Doorway to the temple

We are the Men..
Who are the temples pillars

We are the Priest
who Lights the fire of eternity

We are the Priestess
who brings the Cup of life to all who enter

We are all one....

Warders of the East...Thank you for thy protection
Blessings and Fairwell

Warders of the South.. Thank you for thy protection
Blessings and Fairwell

Warders of the West.. Thank you for thy protection
Blessings and Fairwell

Warders of the North.. Thank you for thy protection
Blessings and Fairwell

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Blessings For Those In Need

Many times we get requests for healings, prayers, rituals and rites for those in need.  The below is here to support that need for all pagans, no matter the faith and, of course, Wiccans.

Blessings For Those In Need

Hail Great Mother
We gather to seek thy care
For the sake of those in need

Blessings on the waters that flow
May there be clean water for all

Blessings on Earth that is in need
May there be life again to cover plains

Blessings on the Air that blows
May the winds carry the promise of tomorrow

Blessings on the Fire of life
That there is the spirit to carry on

Hail Mighty Mother
Your children gather to ask for aid for our brothers in need
The Storms raged, the waters rose, lives disrupted
 and lost by Natures land fall
We seek your loving hand to comfort those who grieve

Hail Wisdom's Father
Bless the hands who work to repair the land
Bless the hands who work to provide the means
Bless the hearts that weep for the fallen
Bless the hearts that open their arms to help

Great Mother of us all
We cry to see our brothers pain
Our hearts bleed to see the needs of our fellows
We ask for your guidance and strength
To show us the way to soothe their suffering

Hail Dark Mother
Whose loving hand will guide the fallen
We send with them our promise
To care for what they had to leave undone

Hail Thor defender of Midgard
We need your protection above our heads
While we pick up the lives of the living

Now is the hour to send the power
Raise up your heart and let it flower
With the energy of life and giving

Now is the hour to light the fires
A beacon of hope for the living

Now is the hour to send healing
To all whom the Storm has broken

Now is the hour to lift up the spirits
To give strength for all their tomorrow's

Now is the hour to pray for us all
To weather the hard times to come

Blessings on the waters that flowed
There will be clean water for all

Blessings on Earth that is in need
There will be life again to cover plains

Blessings on the Air that blows
There will be the promise of tomorrow

Blessings on the Fire of life
There will be the spirit to carry on 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Magical & Ritual Use of Herbs - Lobelia



A sacrament used in smoking rituals.

·   Family: Lobeliaceae (or Campanulaceae family).

·   Botanical Name: Lobelia inflata.

·   Synonyms: Indian tobacco, gagroot, vomit root, and bladderpod

·   Geographical Location: All parts of the United States.

·   Habitat: Fields, woods, and meadows.

·        Botanical Description: Lobelia is an annual, indigenous to North America, found in pastures and cultivated fields. The erect, angular stem grows from 6 inches to 3 feet tall and is hairy with a milky sap. The leaves are thin and light green in an ovoid shape, hairy with blunt saw like teeth on the edge. Numerous small blue flowers growing in spine like pods are arranged in succession at the top of the stem. The fruit is a two celled oval capsule containing numerous small brown seeds.


In North America, lobelia found its way into medicine in 1785. Cutler, in his account of herbs, states that when the leaves were chewed, they "produced giddiness and pain of the head, with trembling agitation." The Penobscot of eastern North America used it as a tobacco in the early nineteenth century. A similar  species was smoked by the Mapuche of Chile for the narcotic effect. They called the weed tuba or tobaca del diablo.


Active alkaloidsare lobeline, lobelanidine, and norlobelanidine.

Although these constituents are not known to have hallucinogenic effects, d-lobeline is a carotid body stimulant.


When very small quantities are added to a cigarette and smoked, the effect is a mild marijuana-like euphoria. It acts simultaneously as a stimulant and relaxant. Lesser amounts tend to act as a stimulant, larger amounts as a depressant. It alters the mental state.


Only a pinch should be added to steeping tea, preferably peppermint and chamomile. By itself, it is very harsh.


The social practice of setting a pipe for guests is fairly common, even today. The purpose is a sort of security where everyone sits and centers as a group. The sacrament has varied from generation to generation. Within the Native American tradition, the pipe bowl is always nearest the center of the circle, being passed from right to left. The host always loads the first bowl.

Note of Caution: Even normal amounts of lobelia may cause nausea, vomiting, and circulatory disturbances.

Lobelia is considered to be one of the best herbal expectorants as well as a powerful emetic.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Rite / Ritual of Lammas

Lammas is a wonderful time of the year.   This is for use on August 1st of every year as pagans celebrate Lammas / Lughnasad.  This is one of the eight pagan sabbats.  This holiday celebrates the harvest of the grain.  In many past cultures it was unwise and unheard of to harvest any grain prior to Lammas.  It is a time to be thankful for the bounties that Mother Earth has provided for us in conjunction with the Gods and Goddesses.

Hail  Great Mother and Blessed be
All Earths Children Gather round to thee

Great Father Lugh.
giver of sacred rites of Marriage
to the Maiden of Earth

Bright shines your light on Maiden Earth
to bring the harvest time
we celebrate your gift of life

Hail Mother Earth
creator of bounty
Ward now this rite
with thy solid grace

Hail Brother Air
creator of wind and unseen things
Ward now this rite
with thy airy grace

Hail Brother Fire
creator of the flame that purifies
Ward now this rite
with thy flame that heals

Hail Sister Water
creator of flowing river
Ward now this rite
with thy water that cools

Gracious Father Lugh...
we gather to do you honor
in thanksgiving we sing
of the bounty we have received

Here my Lord are the tools of our trades
Bless them with thy loving hand
that we may reap bounty from our toil
in the year to come

Help me to see with your shining eyes
my faults.. my places unwise
shine your the deepest wells
of the dark places where ignorance dwells

Take my hand.. dear guardian Father
and Lead me to the paths that wander
through my mind to reflect upon thy many gifts

Fires flame and the Wheel turns
The sunshine's grace on the harvest burns
The Dance of the Grain in the sunshine's light.
.like a harvest of goodness
for workers of the Light

Hail dancing Maiden to become a wife
to Our Lord Lughs sunshine
you bring the coolness of night
Sweet velvet night.. sweet lovers embrace
remind us all...of loves true place

From Summers Eve to Beltane rites
the count of a babe of 9 mts of delight
each month that goes let our lives grow
as we did neath our mothers breast

To arrive full grown
our purpose known
Faithful follower of the light

Hail and blessed be
Dear mother earth
we thank you for warding this place

Hail and blessed be brother air
Dear wind that blows
we thank you for warding this place

Hail and blessed be brother fire
Warm flame that caresses
we thank you for warding this place

Hail and blessed be Sister water
cooling draught of sweet drink
we thank you for warding this place

Sunday, May 23, 2021

New Moon Ritual / Rite of Beginnings

In this day and age we find ourselves in a very evolving and changing world.  New beginnings surround us daily and we need to keep alert for these awesome opportunities.  Using this ritual / rite under the New Moon will produce fantastic results.

Gather we now.. on a New moons night
Round and Round like a fairy ring
Circle of shining faces
The hope that it brings
For the work ahead

Hail Bright Mother
Who guides the dark moons light
Keeper of  that silent moment
Between one breath and the next
Where all things are possible

Cool blows the breeze
To soothe the troubled brow
Hail and Welcome Airs gift
Protect us now we ask it

Passions flame embers glow
New ideas grow like the salamanders flow
Hail and Welcome Fires Gift
Protect us now we ask it

Blue and Bright the Waters roll
Smoothing out the rough path on which we go
Hail and Welcome Waters Gift
Protect us now we ask it

Firm and steady the stone beneath our feet
A good foundation on which
To build what comes next
Hail and Welcome Earths Gift
Protect us now we ask it

Hail the  Crone time... the Dark Moon bright
A time for new beginnings and creations
May the work be pleasant
in the Mothers Sight

Lakshmi Goddess of the Golden hands
Bring with you prosperity
That our burdens be light
To free our toil for the Mothers grace

Minerva Mistress of Commerce
Bring with you  the wisdom
To do the work well
To free our toil from wasted effort

Hephaestus God of the forge
Bring with you your cunning in the Craft
To  make our toil a work of art

Tyche God of fortune
Bring with you your winning ways
That our toil be successful

Blessings on all the beginnings ..
Both great and small

Blessings on the Health
Of this company one and all

Blessings on the work of your hands
That it bring good fortune to your house

Blessings on the Servants of the Light ..
And all that live about them

Blessings on the Walkers of the Way ..
That our steps be guided
To the Bright Halls of Wisdom

Peace be upon your hearts ...
That all you do succeeds

Peace be upon your house ..
That all you do is righteous

Peace be upon thee and thine

Hail and Fairwell... playful Air
We thank you for your grace

Hail and Fairwell .. Fires blessing
We thank you for your grace

Hail and Fairwell... Waters sweet embrace
We thank you for your grace

Hail and Fairwell.. Earths solid Kiss
We thank you for your grace

Hail and Blessed be on one and all 

Blessed Be.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Full Moons Rite / Ritual of Healing Grace

Please enjoy this full moon rite / ritual of healing grace.  Healing & Grace are an awesome combination and we are blessed to be able to have access to both at any given time from the Gods and Goddesses.

Tonight We Gather
Seeking Healing Grace

Great Mother of Mercy
Please show thy face

Grower of Herbs to heal our ills
Maker of the Moonlight
Our Passion it fills
To brimming with thy guiding light

Hail Kaltes...
Watery maiden of bright light
Bring thy healing arts with thee tonight

Hail Gaia...
Blessed Mother Earth
Bring forth thy healing plants
To bring back the mirth

Hail Skekhinah keeper of the ether
Sleeper at the foot of the world tree
Who walks beside me in Heavens grace
We seek thy wisdom

Hail Amaterasu Great Mother of sunlight
Bring thy healing warmth to fall upon this place
Thy shining face bring us grace

Feel the power of the Plants that grow
Feel the power of the Sunlight's flow
Feel the power of Waters cool depths
Feel the power of Airs clean breath

Heal the world of all its pains
Pollution's sickening bane be gone

Heal it's people of their Ills
That all of mankind is heir to

Heal the Children
Who are innocent of all things
Who are all our tomorrow's

Strong are the People
Who stand as One

Hand in Hand we Stand
Before the Mothers Grace

On my right hand the Sun
On my Left the Moon
And upon my brow the shining stars
The power of Starry universe
Is mine to command

Heal and be whole all those who suffer
In the name of the Most High
Whose light is the Wisdom to heal Ourselves

Heal and be whole the land on which we Stand
In the name of the Most High
Whose grace gives us leave to live upon Her

Heal and be whole.. the children from all Ills
In the Name of the Most High
Who is Mother to them All

In the name of Adoni... the Angel of Grace
We set our seal of healing on this Place

Hail and Blessed Be

Gracious Kaltes
Moon maid of Delight
We thank you for your attendance Tonight

Faithful Gaia
Sweet Mother to us All
We thank you for your Grace
On this night of moonlights Fall

Hail Skekhinah who stayed to keep man Company
Faithful Mother who walks with Me
We thank you for your compassionate Grace

Amaterasu Great Mother of Light
Whose eyes shine on man with the mornings Sight
Thank you for hearing our Obarae Tonight

Blessed be this Company
May healing grace follow Thee

Blessed Be.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Medicare "REAL" facts, costs and what to expect

You are in for some grand surprises regarding Medicare!

Do not "think" once you turn 65 after paying into Medicare your whole life that things will be covered with no additional costs. This is a large disillusionment!  Below is the summary I shared on Facebook.

I will be turning 65 in August. Mandatory is Medicare with a discontinuation of my Market Place insurance. No worries, right? After all, my whole life for every paycheck I have received, I paid into Medicare. WRONG! Medicare plan A can be up to $471.00 per month, and to include Plan B, you are hit with $148.50 per month with no opting out.  Boom, deducted from Social Security payments. Again, not too bad, right? Everything is covered! Nope, wrong again.


Lucky for me, I don't have to pay the Plan A premium, but am still stuck with the mandatory Plan B premium.

Plans A & B are very slim in nature as to what they may cover. Summary: When you qualify for Medicare, it's usually Medicare Part A and Part B that you're first enrolled in. ... Medicare Part A generally helps pay your costs as a hospital inpatient. Medicare Part B may help pay for doctor visits, preventive services, lab tests, medical equipment and supplies, and more. The big thing on Plan B is the "may." In order for that "may" to kick in one has to pay higher insurance premiums to an outside health insurance provider.  So now you have to find another health care insurance company to get enrolled in Plans C & D, of course for an additional fee and/or having to pay co-pays for all doctor appointments, labs and medications.  That is what I am trying to set up now.  Overall, my healthcare costs will increase from about 300% to 400% monthly starting this August.

Amazing, but that is the government's way at this time.  People crying out for Medicare For All have no idea what they are wanting.  People wanted Obamacare until they were faced with the slap in the face of higher healthcare premiums and such.

Some info: How Much Does Medicare Cost

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Ritual / Rite of Deliverance for Pagans, Witches & Wiccans

Many time we will find ourselves in need for deliverance from various things that come into our lives.  The below rite / ritual has worked for many such instances.  It has been used by our coven as well as those solitary practitioners.

Hail to the Winds
Who rearrange the stars
Guard well this rite of deliverance

Hail to the Flames
Whose warmth delights the heart
Guard well this rite of deliverance

Hail to the Waters
The drink of well springs knowledge
Guard well this rite of deliverance

Hail to the Earth
Our Mother and Home
Guard well this rite of deliverance

Hear me Great Mother
Your child is in need
Deliverance we ask
From woes baneful seeds

Hear me Great Father
Your child needs to know
Deliverance we ask
From the ignorance we show

Knowledge we seek
To heal our own space
Knowledge we seek
To walk in a state of Grace

Deliverance from Evil
Deliverance from Strife
Deliverance from all things
That make for life's blight

Open is the mind
To hear the words of grace
Open is the heart
To feel within this space
Open is the soul
To know its true place

Freedom from the chains
Of outdated views
Freedom from the vices
That once we knew
Freedom from the oppression
That comes from without
Freedom from the ignorance
That creates our world of doubts
Freedom from the loneliness
That comes from the solitaires path
Freedom from the body's ill's
That comes from the fates past

Open our eyes
To the ways of Great work
Fill out hearts with the understanding
To the path of our birth
Open the mind to the knowledge
That makes the pattern whole
Open the ways of Freedom
To use the wisdom so bold

Deliver us from foolishness
And the ways of the Vain
Tell to us the ways to walk
In words that are plain
Hear our words Dear Mother
That we may be made whole
Hear our words blessed Father
That we may know the ways of old

Seeking always to serve the light
We ask it as our right
Arm us well with truth and might
Blessed be the ways of light

Hail to the Winds
Who rearrange the stars
Guarded well this rite of deliverance

Hail to the Flames
Whose warmth delights the heart
Guarded well this rite of deliverance

Hail to the Waters
The drink of well springs knowledge
Guarded well this rite of deliverance

Hail to the Earth
Our Mother and Home
Guarded well this rite of deliverance 

Note: For instructions on forming a pagan circle for rites & rituals visit my blog post: