Sunday, May 30, 2021

Blessings For Those In Need

Many times we get requests for healings, prayers, rituals and rites for those in need.  The below is here to support that need for all pagans, no matter the faith and, of course, Wiccans.

Blessings For Those In Need

Hail Great Mother
We gather to seek thy care
For the sake of those in need

Blessings on the waters that flow
May there be clean water for all

Blessings on Earth that is in need
May there be life again to cover plains

Blessings on the Air that blows
May the winds carry the promise of tomorrow

Blessings on the Fire of life
That there is the spirit to carry on

Hail Mighty Mother
Your children gather to ask for aid for our brothers in need
The Storms raged, the waters rose, lives disrupted
 and lost by Natures land fall
We seek your loving hand to comfort those who grieve

Hail Wisdom's Father
Bless the hands who work to repair the land
Bless the hands who work to provide the means
Bless the hearts that weep for the fallen
Bless the hearts that open their arms to help

Great Mother of us all
We cry to see our brothers pain
Our hearts bleed to see the needs of our fellows
We ask for your guidance and strength
To show us the way to soothe their suffering

Hail Dark Mother
Whose loving hand will guide the fallen
We send with them our promise
To care for what they had to leave undone

Hail Thor defender of Midgard
We need your protection above our heads
While we pick up the lives of the living

Now is the hour to send the power
Raise up your heart and let it flower
With the energy of life and giving

Now is the hour to light the fires
A beacon of hope for the living

Now is the hour to send healing
To all whom the Storm has broken

Now is the hour to lift up the spirits
To give strength for all their tomorrow's

Now is the hour to pray for us all
To weather the hard times to come

Blessings on the waters that flowed
There will be clean water for all

Blessings on Earth that is in need
There will be life again to cover plains

Blessings on the Air that blows
There will be the promise of tomorrow

Blessings on the Fire of life
There will be the spirit to carry on 

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