Sunday, June 6, 2021

New Moon Rite / Ritual Of Interconnection

Shared with Pagans of all Paths for blessings and thanksgiving.

New Moon Rite Of Interconnection

Blazing Forth
The New moon shines
Today our lives entwine

Separate in body
Together in Spirit

We are One

Like a Ring
That has no beginning
and no end

So the circle is Bound
Let us Begin

Hail the Goddess
May we know thy Grace

Hail the God
May we know wisdom's Embrace

Hail the Power of Earth
Northward we bow
To the Power of Life

Hail the Power of Air
Eastward we bow
To the Power of Life

Hail the Power of Fire
Southward we bow
To the Power of Life

Hail the Power of Water
Westward we bow
To the Power of Life

Link now the hands
That the body be one

Link now the thoughts
That the mind be one

Link now the Spirit
That the Soul be one

We are One

Link we with the Earth
Beneath our feet

Feel her pain as our pain
And Keep her free from harm
Our Mother she is ..... Gaia
And due a Mothers respect

Link we with the Air
We breathe each moment of our lives

And see the haze of pollution's bane
and keep it clean and sweet
The Kiss of the's breath
is our inheritance

Link we with the Fire
The smelters open flame

And use the sliver blood
To our blessing ... not our bane
The metal bones of earth fires kiss
To make wind chimes ... not war

Link we with  the Water
Become one with the lowest with grace

And see the scum of pollution's bane
And remember to keep it clean and sweet
Crystal pools of fishes bright

We Are One

Linked , like a chain of love are we
Linked , like the roots of every tree
Linked, like the winds which caress
Linked , like the waves on the shore

Reach out your hand
And take your fellow mans

Reach out your thoughts
To blend with all living things

Reach out your Spirit
To become one Soul

I am the Rock, the Tree, the Stream, the Stars

I am all the Universe

Hold this truth
In the palm of your hand
Shining brilliance
of wondrous understanding
That We Are One

Fair thee well...the Power of Earth
Northward we bow
To the Power of Life
Blessings on the Mothers breast on which we stand

Fair thee well...the Power of Air
Eastward we bow
To the Power of Life
Blessings on the Air we breathe while life goes on

Fair thee well...the Power of Fire
Southward we bow
To the Power of Life
Blessings on the Fires Might
May we always use it right

Fair thee well...the Power of Water
Westward we bow
To the Power of Life
Blessings on the Waters wondrous Kiss
Sweet as dew fall... cool as the mist

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