Sunday, March 16, 2014

Our Coven Full Moon Ritual - A Full Moon Ritual Example

The Magical Full Moon

The full moon is a special and powerful time for Pagans of many paths. During the full moon we celebrate new life, our blessings, tap into the healing powers of the Goddess represented by the Full Moon, as well as the workings of many spells.
It is a magical time for all to enjoy. Simply "feeling" the moonbeams caress your skin on a clear night is an awesome feeling. The energy flowing and the cleansing taking place are very evident as you open your heart to all that is being offered to you.
Over the years many Full Moon rituals have taken place within our coven. Below is a sample taken from one during the year of 2012. The providing of this ritual is for others to have some insight to what can be incorporated into a Full Moon ritual. The wording and structure can be modified to please those who are going to perform a Full Moon ritual.
Of course, as with any ritual or magical work, one would want to create the sacred space or circle prior to starting the rite as well as invoking the Watchtowers or Guardians.
You will notice that within the ritual text there is calling to and thanks given to all of the Elements.
As always, feel free to use the below ritual text as a guideline. You can incorporate your own wishes, desires and text to fit whatever spiritual need or spell work you may be working on during a particular full moon.
You can read more about how we perform rites within our coven in the article: Sample and Example Of A New Moon Ritual - An Example For Others To Follow.
Current Lunar Calender.

Full Moon Ritual Text

High the moon rises
As the night passes.
At time to let go of the old
And seek a new life if we are bold.
Blessed Mother Earth
Hear my plea.
Take my woes,
away from me.
Blessed Cool Winds
Hear my plea.
Blow my cares,
away from me
Blessed leaping Fire
Hear my plea.
Burn my troubles to ash,
I ask of thee.
Blessed Whispering Water
Hear my plea.
Wash my heart clean,
of all bane you see.
On light cat feet
The fog rolls in the night.
The Moon shrouded in mist
As we gather tonight.
Hail Mighty Mother
My heart I open to thee.
Lighten my inner burdens
And set me free.
Hail Blessed Father
My mind is open to thee.
Help me rid myself
Of what burdens me.
On the altar tonight I lay
All of my cares and woes.
Tonight I become one with the light
And let all my burdens go.
Star light, shine bright
Blessed are thee tonight.
Moon glow, we all know
How we are one in the light.
Gather 'round the firelight
And burn your notes of care.
Let the wind take the ashes.
Let the Earth lay your soul bare.
Let the Water sooth your heart.
No thought to honest mistakes we give.
Amends we make and go forward.
Our intent is all that matters
To follow the creed of Harm none.
Hear the Mother's words my children.
Never forget this Credo,
Harm none means thyself as well
Or we fail in our task as her hands.
Life up the light,
let spirits be bright.
Nevermore do we live in sorrow.
Join hands tonight,
in the pale moonlight,
And together we face our tomorrow.
Blessed Mother Earth
You Heard my plea,
And Took my woes,
away from me.
Blessed Cool Winds
You Heard my plea,
And Blew my cares,
away from me.
Blessed leaping Fire
You Heard my plea,
And Burned my troubles to ash,
As I asked of thee.
Blessed Whispering Water
You Heard my plea,
And Washed my heart clean,
of all bane you could see.
Note: For instructions on forming a pagan circle for rites & rituals visit my blog post:

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