Get Your Account Credited!
Have you experienced an item not being delivered by the specified and/or guaranteed delivery time?An example of this would be if you are an Amazon Prime member. As a Prime member, you are guaranteed Two-Day delivery free of charge. This is two business days. Holidays and Sundays are excluded.
In recent times we have had Prime items not delivered within the guaranteed time frame.
In such an instance, it has been an easy solution to have this resolved. A simple email off of the Amazon site to customer service will be responded to within 24 hours. We have received monetary credit on our account as well as our Prime membership extended by a month on two separate occasions. Never hesitate to contact a retail supplier and ask for credit of some kind.
The same thing with cell phone providers, land-line providers, internet service providers, cable/satellite providers along with your electric service provider on some occasions.
Should you experience an outage, for the above services, you are entitled to credit on your account. It will require that you contact customer service and request such a credit however. Again, I have done this numerous times over the years always with positive results.
Thought I would update this being I originally wrote this in 2014. It is now August of 2019 and the above works continually for our household. This makes sense when you figure they (the service providers) say their service is $XX.XX per month. If they fail to provide that service for the full month, 24/7, you are do a credit of some sort for the time down. We recently got credit on our Comcast / Xfinity account for an internet outage.
Stand your ground and gain what is due to you!
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