Magical Spell To Ease Pain, Suffering and Generate Hope
Over recent months there has been a large influx of requests sent to me via various means asking for something magical to give one new hope and/or ease painful circumstances that persons have encountered.
A time proven spell that I have tweaked is listed below. As with any spell or magical work, what is offered can be altered to fit a person's various needs, thoughts and ideas. The main focus in any spellwork or magical work is your "intent" at the time you perform the work. Many witches will look at a spell or ritual text, then make adjustments to what resonates with them
This spell helps one deal with such things as the pain suffered from the death of a loved one, divorce, breaking up with your mate and any other type of circumstance that creates pain for you.
What is needed:
- (1) Black Candle (size or shape does not matter)
- (3) Pieces of Amethyst (any size will work)
- (1) Vetivert Oil
- (1) White Candle (size or shape does not matter)
- (3) Pieces of Rose Quartz (any size will work)
- (1) Lotus Oil
You want to pick the night of the Full Moon at sunset to start this work. You take the black candle and using your athame or other device that is sacred to you, write, by inscribing upon the candle what specific area you are working on...what has created the pain, ie., death, divorce, etc. Use the Vetiver oil to anoint the candle and then using your intent charge the candle. Place the candle upon your altar. Next place the three pieces of amethyst in your hand and visualize your pain pouring into the stones. When done with your visualization, take the stones and place them in a circular manner around the base of your black candle and light the candle. At this point you focus and visualize the pain leaving your entirely. As this process is going on allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish the candle.
Take an individual amethyst outside, holding it tightly in your hand and visualize your pain being transferred into the stone once again. Draw back and throw the stone as far as you can and never pick up this stone again.
During the course of the next two nights, you repeat the above spell until the candle has completely burned up and you have tossed all the stones. Gather up any part of the remaining wax from the candle and walk off your property (or drive) and bury the remains.
You want to pick the morning of the New Moon at dawn to start this work. You take the white candle and using your athame or other device that is sacred to you, write, by inscribing upon the candle the word "hope" Use the Lotus oil to anoint the candle and then using your intent charge the candle. Place the candle upon your altar. Next place the three pieces of rose quartz in your hand and visualize a positive future for you pouring into the stones. Picture yourself as happy, smiling and enjoying life. When done with your visualization, take the stones and place them in a circular manner around the base of your white candle and light the candle. At this point you focus and visualize a very strong sense of hope and what you expect coming to you. As this process is going on allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish the candle.
During the course of the next two nights, you repeat the above spell until the candle has completely burned up. Then you take all one piece of the rose quartz and place it close to you such as in a amulet, medicine bag, purse or pocket to be carried with you. Take a second piece and place it upon a window sill in a sunny room. with the remaining piece, find a tree on your property and bury it near this tree as an offering. If you do not have a yard/property, bury it in a house plant pot or outside the entrance to your home.
Again, take any wax remains from the candle and bury off your property.
As with any spellwork and magical workings that witches and others that practice witchcraft as well as those of other various Pagan paths, remember to be patient. It will take some time for these pains and sufferings to drain away, but this spell is a starting point and will continue to work for you.
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