Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Feng Shui & Spiritual Living - Fall Maintenance

Fall Is The Time To Feng Shui Tune Your Home

Fall is the time when energy starts turning yin. (Yin in Chinese means inward or going within) Think of a tree in the fall. It's energy goes down to the root of the tree, which causes the leaves to fall off. Our energy also becomes yin. We spend more time indoors, our bodies may chill easier, and we find ourselves cocooning with blankets, and throws. Soon we will be turning our clocks back and it will get darker earlier each day until the winter solstice.
Since we will be changing batteries on the smoke detectors soon do yourself a favor while you have the ladder, or chair out. If you have ceiling fans now is the perfect time to clean them. If the fans have a switch to bring the warm air down from the ceiling go ahead and move the switch after cleaning off the stale energy, and dust that may have accumulated on the fan blades. If you have any lights that need to be replaced go ahead and change that too.
We will be turning on lights more often during the yin season. Make sure each room has all working bulbs. It would be a great time to use a dry cloth and wipe off any dust on the incandescent bulbs. Did you know you can add 5-10% more light just by dry dusting the bulbs?
If you have a fireplace have a professional check it out to make sure there are no cracks in the fireplace, creosote buildup, and birds nest on the top of the chimney. If you have glass doors be sure to clean the inside and outside of the doors. Your fire will look even prettier!
Make sure your furnace is working, and working in good order. The last thing you want is the first really cold night and you turn on the furnace only to find out at that time your furnace is not working. Don't forget to change your furnace filter so you can have clean air circulating in your home.
Now that it's cooler it's a great time to clean your windows inside and outside of the home. Windows represent the eyes of the home. Clear windows represent clarity in our lives. Windows with broken seals can lead to foggy thinking, or blurred vision. Any damaged windows need to be fixed immediately. According to the Chinese cracked or broken windows could lead to serious eye problems. A cheap and cost effective cleaner is vineger and water in a bucket. Grab a washcloth, and a few lint free towels. This not only will make your windows sparkle, but is great exercise for strengthening arms, and stomach muscles. ( I personally knew a girl who cleaned windows professionally. She had a six pack on her abdomen like I've never seen before!)
How do your carpets look? Are you having company over the holidays? Now is a great time to get your carpets cleaned before your guests arrive. It will also be one less thing to think about before the holiday season. With the lower humidity (at least in some areas of the country) windows open will help the carpets dry faster.
These are just some simple reminders to keep us safe, and warm as the days get darker, and our energy begins to within just like the trees.

 Create A Positive Feng Shui Energy Flow By Adding Plants

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