Friday, March 29, 2013

The Importance of A Book Of Shadows - Video Included

Book Of Shadows For Wiccans, Pagans and Witches

Over the years I have offered many explanations about the importance to a witch of keeping a Book of Shadows.  In my online travels tonight, as I was checking email, I noticed that a friend of mine had uploaded his video to YouTube in regards to the importance of a Book of Shadows.  Merlin Raven Song did this very well, and the information contained is most informative.  So here I am sharing it with those of you who may be interested in the magical and spiritual aspects associated with a Book of Shadows.

Many of us Pagans, Wiccans and witches keep a Book of Shadows.  In earlier times, all Books of Shadows were hand-written and many were kept secret.

In the modern era, the majority of us will keep a written Book of Shadows as well as on created on our computers in a Word file or similar.  Many of us in recent times have created our Book of Shadows as a CD of Shadows.  The abbreviation would be CDoS versus BoS.

Please enjoy and feel free to comment!

Book of Shadows - MerlinRavenSong

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